Mediterranean journalists experience the challenges of sea level rise and wetlands in Sardinia, November 2019
Scientists and media working together to foster climate change reporting in the Mediterranean (COP 22 on climate change, Marrakesh, 2016)
3rd Meeting of Environmental Journalists from News Agencies in the Mediterranean - Barcelona, Spain 13-14 November, 2018

Mediterranean Environmental Information Communicators Network

Promoting networking to foster rigorous news reporting on environmental
and scientific issues in the Mediterranean region.

This initiative is result of the collaboration between environmental and scientific journalists of the Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies (AMAN) and environmental organisations at regional level across the Mediterranean, including Birdlife, IUCN, MedWET, UNEP-MAP, UfM and WWF.

More than 50 participants attended the 1st Meeting of environmental journalists from news agencies in the Mediterranean held in Malaga in December 2015. The Malaga declaration endorsed by the participants, advocates for the establishment of a partnership to provide mechanisms for cooperation among environmental and scientific information professionals from Mediterranean countries.

This platform has been created to help that network and its aims is to promote the networking of this group of environmental and scientific journalists, not only from AMAN but also from other professional associations of scientific and environmental journalists, and communication officers from environmental organisations working for a more sustainable development in the Mediterranean.

The Malaga declaration could be a road map for everyone, urging all parties to play their part and make their contribution to a better and sustainable environment in the Mediterranean.

The Malaga declaration. George Penintaex. Secretary general, Alliance of Mediterranean News Agencies



Environmental information in the Mediterranean

This guide is designed as a consultation tool for environmental journalists in the Mediterranean region. It provides an overview of the main environmental according to experts from various institutions, and the challenges that those threats pose at present and in the future. In addition, it deals with the specificities of the legal and governance framework in the region. 

This document arises on the occasion of the celebration of the 3rd Meeting of Environmental Journalists from News Agencies in the Mediterranean held in 13-14 November 2018 in Barcelona (Spain) organized by the Union for the Mediterranean and the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation.

Its objective is to provide to the journalists interested in writing about the contamination by plastics in the Mediterranean Sea a general view of the problem.

It is a living working document which is open to the necessary contributions -data and relevant agents from each affected country- from the environmental and scientific journalists members of the MedGreenJournalism network.

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