2nd Edition Mediterranean climate change adaptation awards

The French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), with the support of its Mediterranean partners the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM), Plan Bleu and the Agency for sustainable Mediterranean cities and territories (AViTeM), launched the 2nd edition of the “Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards”. The competition aims to promote and reward exemplary climate change adaptation actions and encourage stakeholders in the Mediterranean to adapt to climate change.

This competition, open until the 20th of march 2019, aims at disseminating and promoting adaptation actions in rural, urban or coastal areas and is targeting local authorities, national entities, public universities and research centers, NGOs and private sector in association with public stakeholders from the 23 Mediterranean countries.

This competition is aimed at organizations within the Mediterranean bioclimatic zone:

  • Local authority
  • National body
  • Public university
  • NGO in partnership with a local public stakeholder
  • Companies or members of the private sector in partnership with a local public stakeholder

Key competition dates:

  • Application close: 20 mars 2019

The Mediteranean Region appears quite vulnerable to climate change impacts, as highlighted in last IPCC report, being one of the 25 “Hot spots” in the world. Rise of temperatures, higher than global warming, decrease of rainfalls and sea level rise is already threatening limited resources under pressure, prefiguring dramatic consequences such as recent floods in the Region.

Cities and territories are day to day mobilized. In rural, urban or coastal areas, different stakeholders, private, public, NGOs and research institute are contributing to implement different actions, for preventing, informing and managing important risks related to climate change. They adapt their technologies, designing better their facilities, planning and testing nature based solutions, using efficiently their resources for increasing their resilience. New tools and/or governance approaches for planning and implementing public policies are also implemented taking into account the different risks cities and territories are facing.

Rules and templates are available on the website :


For further info contact: ed2018@medadapt-awards.com


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