Correspondence Group on Monitoring and Science Policy Interface meet in the Mediterranean

During the week of the 28 February to the 2 March 2017, three meetings of the correspondence groups on monitoring for Marine Litter, Biodiversity and Fisheries and Coast and Hydrography were held in Madrid, Spain.

The main aim of these parallel meetings was to review and discuss with Contracting Parties and key experts the implementation of the Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme (IMAP) decision, particularly with regards to the development of common guidance for the 27 adopted indicators, the status of revision of national monitoring programmes, and the first draft of the 2017 Quality Status Report.

The Quality Status Report for 2017, will be the first indicator based regional assessment for the Mediterranean, based on the Ecological Objectives and common indicators adopted in the COP19 decision Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Program (IMAP). The approach for the QSR2017 is to use all indicator data available and to complement and address gaps with inputs from numerous sources.

The QSR2017 report be submitted to the 20th Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention in December 2017.

In addition a training session was given on best practices of marine litter monitoring, and the third workshop on Science Policy Interface was undertaken with a focus on Risk Based Approach (RBA) for monitoring.

read the news in French and Arabic 



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