
Lebanon steps up efforts to clean tar contaminated beaches in southern city of Tyre

Over the weekend, the Union of Tyre Municipalities, the National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS), in cooperation with volunteers, environmental and scout associations, the Civil Defense, and UNIFIL, launched a campaign to clean-up Tyre Coast Nature Reserve from balls of sticky gobs and blobs of tar, which showed up last week on South Lebanon’s beaches […]

Lebanon steps up efforts to clean tar contaminated beaches in southern city of Tyre Read More »

A man walks along a beach in the aftermath of an oil spill that drenched much of the Mediterranean shoreline in Tyre nature reserve, Lebanon February 22, 2021. (Photo by Reuters)

Greenpeace MENA urges Lebanon’s Ministry of Environment to take swift measures to mitigate damage of Mediterranean oil spill

Greenpeace Middle East and North Africa program manager in Beirut, Julien Jreissati, on Monday stepped up calls on Lebanon’s Ministry of Environment to take swift measures to assess the magnitude of the risk that the Mediterranean oil spill might have on Lebanon, especially after reaching the country’s southern coast.   Jreissati suggested setting up an urgent

Greenpeace MENA urges Lebanon’s Ministry of Environment to take swift measures to mitigate damage of Mediterranean oil spill Read More »

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